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What to do in the Garden this November

Summer is fast approaching. Now is the time to prepare and plant for Christmas and the coming warmer months.

Summer is a time great of the year for entertaining and some effort now will ensure that your garden and living areas are looking bright, colourful and healthy as you enjoy your summer living.

The Flower Garden

Pots, containers and hanging baskets should be planted now. There are great plants available such as geraniums, cape daisies, impatiens, petunias, and calibrachoas that will reward with bright, colourful summer displays. Always use a premium quality potting mix. Water pots and hanging baskets regularly. Feed weekly with a liquid food such as Powerfeed or Maxicrop, or a soluble plant food such as Bloom Booster or Flourish.
Plant annual summer flowers such as alyssum, celosia, cosmos, gerbera, impatiens, lobelia, nasturtium, marigold, petunia, phlox, portulaca and zinnia.
Roses are looking fantastic. Fertilise with a formulated rose food and watch out for aphids and thrips.
New season’s Hydrangeas are beginning to flower and are excellent spring/summer colour for pots and those shady parts of the garden or entertainment areas where we spend our summer days.

Repot orchids that have finished flowering.
Mulch garden beds. This will have the gardens looking great for Christmas and help with water retention and weed control.
For areas with dry summers – check watering systems and complete any maintenance needed before the summer arrives
Use a quality water retention granules or solutions to make the most of every summer drop.


Lift the mower blades. A longer lawn will help to shade the roots, cool the earth and hold onto water. This will encourage a deep root system for longer lasting green lawn.
Treat lawn areas with a soil conditioner such as Seasol.
Apply a water retention granule now to help to hold summer moisture.

The Edible Garden

Food grown in your ‘Food Forest’ is filled with homegrown goodness, freshness and flavour. November is a month that food almost seems to jump out of the earth. There is much to achieve this month to supply this tasty freshness to your summer entertainment events. Ensure regular watering and fertilising for the abundant harvest ahead. Watch out for bugs – control the ones that will cause problems and leave the rest.

See the planting guide below. Ask us for the best local advice.

In the Veggie Patch
Tropics Sub-tropical Arid Temperate
Asian Greens Asian Greens Basil Asian Greens
Basil Basil French & Climbing Beans French & Climbing Beans
Snake Beans French & Climbing Beans Capsicum Beetroot
Capsicum Beetroot Chilli Broccoli
Chilli Capsicum Carrot Cabbage
Carrot Chilli Cucumber Capsicum
Cucumber Carrot Eggplant Carrot
Eggplant Chives Fennel Celery
Ginger Coriander Ginger Chives
Pumpkin Cucumber Leek Coriander
Spring Onion Dill Lettuce Dill
Sweet Corn Eggplant Melon Fennel
Sweet Potato Fennel Potato Leek
Tomato Kale Pumpkin Lettuce
Leek Radish Mediterranean Herbs*
Lettuce Rocket Mint
Mediterranean Herbs* Spring Onion Onion
Melon Sweet Corn Parsley
Mint Sweet Potato Parsnip
Parsley Tomato Potato
Parsnip Zucchini Pumpkin
Potato Radish
Pumpkin Rocket
Radish Silverbeet
Rocket Spring Onion
Silverbeet Sweet Corn
Spring Onion Tomato
Sweet Corn Zucchini
Sweet Potato

*Including Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Majoram, and Oregano.

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