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How to Grow Cyclamen

Cyclamen are a favourite plant to bring brightness and life during the cooler months.

They are generally available from autumn to early spring and will flower beautifully while temperatures remain cool. Flowers come in shades of pink, purple, red, and white with many frilled and bicolour forms. There are varieties with large flowers, medium sized blooms and, varieties with masses of small petite flowers on short stems. There are also varieties with a delightful sweet and subtle perfume.


Cyclamen love cooler temperatures and are perfect to grow in pots in cool positions indoors, on patios or balconies or can be planted in sheltered outdoor gardens. They are best grown in bright, indirect light avoiding too much direct sunlight.

There are ways to increase the flowering time of Cyclamen indoors. The hints and tips for this will be covered in the Cyclamen Care section but Cyclamen are often used as a living flower arrangement to feature in indoor décor. They look magnificent and are discarded once the flowers are finishing and replaced with a fresh new plant.

 Cyclamen Care

Cyclamen are tuberous perennials and move into dormancy once temperatures are higher. Often homes are heated during winter which may signal to plant that it is time to rest. To place your Cyclamen in a sheltered outdoor position or in a cool unheated room of a night will encourage long and colourful flower displays.

Watering – When leaves are present, the plant is actively growing. During this period, water whenever the soil feels dry about 2 centimetres below its surface. Avoid getting water on the leaves or on the crown of the plant where the stem meets the roots.

A convenient way to water cyclamen is to place the pot in a container or a sink with water up to 5cm above the bottom of the pot. Leave the plant for an hour to soak up a good drink and then return the plant to its location.

 While the plant is dormant (losing most or all of its leaves), water infrequently only to prevent the soil from entirely drying out.

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