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What to do in the Garden this September

As the days begin to lengthen and the temperatures begin to lift, we discover the changes of spring happening all around us.

Trees that were bare branches are coming to life. The dullness of winter is being replaced with renewed life, fresh growth and brilliant colours. Life in the garden is very exciting as spring arrives.

September Checklist

• Summer flowering bulbs such as Gladioli, Dahlia and Begonia can be planted now.
• Continue to deadhead late winter/early spring flowering annuals such a Primula, Pansy, Cineraria, and feed weekly with a good liquid food – this will help to extend flowering and continue the display of colour as the warm season annuals come to life.
• Seedlings of spring and summer flowering summer annuals including Alyssum, Cosmos, Lobelia, Marigold, Nemesia, Petunia, Phlox, Poppy, Snapdragon, Sunflower and Zinnia can be planted now as the weather allows.
• Choose and plant Camellias now while they are in flower and you can choose your preferred colour.
• Begin feeding roses with Rose fertiliser – water well after feeding or feed after rain.
• Fertilise gardens to supply plants all the nutrients needed for the abundant season of growth ahead.
• Mulch garden beds to control weeds and help to retain moisture during the warmer months ahead.
• Now is a good time to start cleaning up pots and hanging baskets in preparation for new planting. Throw out any old tired potting mix and start afresh with new premium quality potting mix for best results. A premium quality potting mix will have water storage crystals added to minimise summer watering.
• Ornamental grasses and strappy plants make an interesting addition to the garden – they are easy to care for and as they sway in the breeze they add life and movement to the garden.


• Sow new lawns this month. Good preparation is essential. Remove weeds and debris and then rake and level ground thoroughly. Remember to keep ground moist once you have sown the grass seed.
• For existing lawns, spray broadleaf and lawn weeds such as bindii now to control weeds and prickles before summer arrives.
• Fertilise existing lawns to encourage strong lawns while there is good spring growth.
• Lawns that have been sprayed for weed control should be fertilised two weeks after spraying to encourage lawn growth and minimise opportunity for weeds to re-grow.
• Lawn grub numbers are now beginning to increase and will be actively feeding on lawns. The signs are brown lawn patches and unhealthy green grass. Ask about the best treatment to control these pests.

In the Veggie Garden

• With temperatures warming up, now is the time to prepare the veggie patch for the season ahead.
• Dig soil over and break down any large clods and remove debris – mix in lots of organic matter such as compost and manures.
• Apply a good general garden fertiliser at planting time.
• New season herbs plants can be planted now.
• Do not forget to use the slug and snail bait or have snail traps around young seedlings and plants.
• Mulch veggie garden, fruit trees and garden beds to help to retain moisture and control weeds.

Tropics Sub-tropical Arid Temperate
Asian Greens Asian Greens Artichoke Artichoke
Basil Asparagus Asian Greens Asian Greens
French & Climbing Beans Basil Asparagus Asparagus
Capsicum French & Climbing Beans Basil Beetroot
Chilli Beetroot French & Climbing Beans Broccoli
Carrot Capsicum Beetroot Cabbage
Cucumber Chilli Cabbage Carrot
Eggplant Carrot Capsicum Celery
Ginger Celery Chilli Chives
Pumpkin Chives Carrot Coriander
Spring Onion Cucumber Celery Dill
Sweet Corn Dill Chives Fennel
Sweet Potato Eggplant Coriander Leek
Tomato Fennel Cucumber Lettuce
Zucchini Ginger Dill Mediterranean Herbs*
Leek Eggplant Mint
Lettuce Fennel Onion
Mediterranean Herbs* Ginger Parsley
Melon Kale Parsnip
Onion Leek Pea
Pumpkin Lettuce Potato
Radish Melon Radish
Rocket Onion Rocket
Spring Onion Pea Silverbeet
Sweet Corn Potato Snow Peas
Sweet Potato Pumpkin Spring Onion
Tomato Radish
Zucchini Rocket
Spring Onion
Sweet Corn
Sweet Potato

*Including Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, and Oregano

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