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What To Do in the Garden this June

Winter has arrived and gardens are transformed with the change of season.

Deciduous Trees

June is the month when deciduous plants shed their leaves and move into a dormant period in preparation for an explosion of growth and colour as the spring arrives.

June Gardening Jobs

Indoor Plants

During the winter months there is much more time spent indoors. Growing plants indoors is hugely popular and there are many great plants available to create your Urban Jungle. Check indoor plants regularly and be ready to change your watering patterns. Winter is a great time to repot indoor plants. Always use a premium quality potting mix for the best results.

The Colours of June

The winter garden can be filled with life and colour. Flowering annuals such as pansies, violas, dianthus, sweet peas, nemesias, primulas and polyanthus all love the cooler weather. Plant garden beds, hanging baskets and pots for great Winter colour.

Fixup Time.

We all make mistakes in the garden and winter is the time to move those plants that are in the wrong position. Without the summer heat and the risk of drying out, now is the perfect time.

Growing to Eat

This is an excellent month for gardening in our region. The heat and humidity have passed, and this is a pleasant time to be outdoors and enjoying this season of planting and growth. This is a great time for planting your food forest. There are loads of fantastic fruiting plants to be planted now. Lemons, Oranges, Mandarins, Limes, Mangos, Bananas, Finger Limes, and Blueberries are just some of the vast selection for this time of the year.

In the Veggie Patch

Tropics Sub-tropical Arid Temperate
Asian Greens Asian Greens Artichoke Artichoke
Asparagus Beetroot Asparagus Asparagus
Basil Broccoli Broccoli Broad Beans
Beetroot Cabbage Cabbage Broccoli
Cabbage Cauliflower Chives Coriander
Carrot Chives Dill Cabbage
Celery Coriander English Spinach Cauliflower
Chives Dill Garlic English Spinach
Coriander Garlic Mediterranean Herbs* Garlic
Fennel Kale Kale Kale
Mediterranean Herbs* Leek Lettuce Lettuce
Kale Lettuce Mint Mint
Leek Mediterranean Herbs* Onion Onion
Lettuce Mint Parsley Radish
Mint Onions Peas Rhubarb
Parsley Parsley Radish Silverbeet
Potato Peas Snow Peas Snow Peas
Radish Potatoes Strawberry Spring Onion
Rocket Radish Strawberry
Silverbeet Rocket
Spring Onion Rhubarb
Strawberry Spring Onion
Tomato Snow peas


*Including Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, and Oregano

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