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What to do in the Garden this August

We are now in the final month of Winter. August is a fabulous month as the signs of spring begin to come to life before us. The landscape begins to glow with the gold of wattles in flower. Spring flowering bulbs are pushing their way through the cool winter soil and the trees that have been enjoying a winter rest are showing signs of exploding into new life and colour.
There is much to achieve during this month for the season of abundance that is just around the corner.

August Checklist

  • Plants which have overwintered in the ground can now be lifted and split, tidied up and replanted into freshly dug soil.
  • Add compost and manure to garden beds to prepare for spring growth.
  • A dressing of lime can also be added now, especially in vegetable gardens. This gives the lime time to react before adding other fertiliser in the spring.
  • Do not apply lime to acid-loving plants such as camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons and daphnes. As these plants finish flowering, fertilise with a fertiliser suitable for plants that love acid soils.
  • If you haven’t completed your rose pruning, it is not too late but try to have it done as soon as possible this month.
  • Now is a good time to prepare ground for sowing new lawns in September. Remove any perennial weeds, dig over and level ground, removing stones, roots, and other debris.
  • Continue to apply a good liquid plant food weekly to winter flowering annuals to ensure a wonderful finale to their seasonal display.
  • As the weather allows, begin to plant Alyssum, Cosmos, Cleome, Carnations, Dianthus, Marigolds, Nasturtium, Petunia, Phlox, Snapdragons and Zinnia to begin the festival of spring colour.

In the Veggie Garden

Tropics Sub-tropical Arid Temperate
Asian Greens Asian Greens Artichoke Artichoke
Asparagus Beetroot Asian Greens Asparagus
French & Climbing Beans Broccoli Asparagus Broccoli
Beetroot Capsicum French & Climbing Beans Cabbage
Capsicum Chilli Beetroot Celery
Chilli Carrot Cabbage Coriander
Carrot Cucumber Celery English Spinach
Cucumber Dill Chives Lettuce
Eggplant Eggplant Coriander Mint
Kale Kale Dill Onion
Mediterranean Herbs* Leek Kale Pea
Pumpkin Lettuce Lettuce Potato
Radish Mediterranean Herbs* Mint Radish
Rocket Mint Onion Rhubarb
Silverbeet Onions Parsley Silverbeet
Tomato Parsley Pea Snow Peas
Zucchini Pumpkin Potato
Radish Radish
Rocket Rocket
Rhubarb Silverbeet
Spring Onion
Snow peas

Including Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, and Oregano

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